"Striving to promote and improve the health and well-being of our community, economy and environment."

MAKE A DONATION Trees for Woolwich

"Striving to promote and improve the health and well-being of our community, economy and environment."

MAKE A DONATION Trees for Woolwich

is coming to Woolwich!

Trees for Woolwich is embarking on an ambitious plan to plant 22,000 trees along our roadsides over the next 3 years.

This is the biggest roadside reforestation since the 1880s! Back in the 1880s the province provided incentives for landowners to plant maple trees along the roads and we still see examples of those huge old maples around the countryside.

Sadly many have been lost over time, leaving long stretches open and bare. We have over 300 km of roads in Woolwich!

These trees will provide 800 acres of canopy cover at maturity and will become a huge carbon sink to offset some of the township’s emissions.

They will also help connect wooded areas for wildlife especially birds.

Here is a link to the details of the program.

For a deeper dive into the project click here for FAQ’s and a comparison of planting methods

Other’s are taking notice! "A long and winding road to greener times," Leah Gerber, The Observer, November 10, 2022


If you have some time to spare click here to get involved in planting.

If you would like to donate to help make this happen click here and on the township of Woolwich page choose Trees for Woolwich on the dropdown menu

A big thank you
to our supporters

MTE, $7,500

Trillium Insurance, $10,000

Earthscape, $18,500

Wallenstein Feed, $60,000 (Press Release)

“We are proud to support the Bring Back the Maples project through our ROOTS Community Fund. This project will help bring natural cover to an area that has been left bare since the 1880s and connect the wooded areas around the region. Our ROOTS Community Fund looks to provide lasting support to organizations that will leave an impact on their community. We are very excited to be a small part of this project to plant over 20,000 trees along the roadside and help Trees for Woolwich with their commitment to create a healthy habitat.”

President & CEO, Tracy MacDonald, Trillium Insurance, President & CEO

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